Research & Development

Research scientist

Inria, VisAGeS, France - As of November 2017.

Research Fellow in meta-analysis for neuroimaging

University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Big Data Institute, Neuroimaging Statistics - Oxford, United-Kingdom - June 2017 to Sept. 2017
  • Comparative evaluation of statistical methods for image-based meta-analysis 10.1101/048249

Research Fellow in meta-analysis for neuroimaging

University of Warwick, WMG, Institute of Digital Healthcare, Neuroimaging Statistics - Coventry, United-Kingdom - August. 2013 to May 2017

PhD candidate in medical image processing: "From Group to Patient-Specific Analyses of Brain Function in Arterial Spin Labelling and BOLD Functional MRI"

Inria, INSERM, Unit/Project VisAGeS U746 - Rennes, France - Oct. 2008 to Apr. 2013

R&D Engineer in MRI image processing

Inria, INSERM, Unité/Projet VisAGeS U746 - Rennes, France - Oct. 2008 to Sept. 2010

R&D engineer in bioinformatics, internship

Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)- Brisbane, Australia - Jan. to Jul. 2008
  • Conception and development of a web application for outcome prediction based on classifiers (SVM, NSC) in microarray data analysis.
  • Focus on error rate estimation avoiding selection bias.
  • Distribution as an R package on Bioconductor: RMagpie and a web application: Carrak
  • R, Python (Django), Javascript (JQuery)

Research assistant in image processing, internship

IFP, R&D department - Solaize - May 2007 to July 2007
  • Study of state of the art active shape models for image segmentation in electron microscopy.
  • Matlab

Web developer, internship

Alti-Com - Gap - June. 2006 to August 2006
  • E-commerce website development

Tutorials in mathematics

University Institute of Technology (IUT) - Saint-Malo - Nov. 2011 to Feb. 2012
  • 8h per fortnight, 4 groups of 15 students in first year of college.

Tutorials in computer science

University of Rennes 2 - Sept. 2010 to Dec. 2010
  • Preparation to the C2i (certificate in computer science), 2h per week, 4 groups of 25 to 40 students in first year of college.

French courses

Language Champs - Melbourne, Australia - August 2007 to Nov. 2007
  • Introduction to French culture and communication with young children in groups of 2 to 4 students aged from 4 to 12 years old, 2h per week.
  • Preparation for the VCE (Victoria Certificate of Education, end of high school diploma), 2h per week, private course.

Taking course notes for a student with hearing difficulties

URAPEDA, Lyon - Sept. 2005 to May 2007

PhD in medical image processing - University of Rennes 1

  • Obtained in 2013, May.

Engineer in Computer Science - INSA de Lyon

High honours

  • Last year as an exchange student in the Information Technology faculty at Monash, Melbourne - Australia
  • First years in international section EURINSA
  • French: Native speaker
  • English: Fluent, One year in Australia as en exchange student in 2007
  • Italian: good understanding.